How does AI technology benefit India’s organizations?

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AI in Government

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most popular technological advancements of the 21st century with remarkable success in various fields including finance, transportation, and education. Despite the growing awareness of AI’s potential to transform businesses, India lags in its adoption of the technology. According to experts, this is due to several reasons, including insufficient investment in research and development, a shortage of trained professionals and poor digital infrastructure. These challenges hinder the proliferation of AI, causing the country to lag in global rankings of AI adoption.

As we enter the new age of technology, artificial intelligence is rapidly becoming the driving force behind many businesses around the world. However, India seems to be lagging behind in adopting this technology to its full potential. Although there is great potential in incorporating AI into various industries, many companies in India may be hesitant to adopt it due to a lack of understanding or fear of job displacement. In order for India to remain competitive in the global market, it is crucial that businesses start embracing AI technology and exploring its potential benefits.

Government Initiative in promoting AI technology:

One such initiative is the National AI Strategy, which was launched in 2018. The strategy aims to establish India as a global leader in AI research and development by focusing on areas such as research and development, skilling and reskilling, entrepreneurship and innovation, and international collaboration Several Indian startups are also working on developing innovative AI solutions for various industries. For example, An Indian startup, CropIn, is using AI to help farmers improve crop yields by providing real-time insights into weather patterns, soil health, and crop growth.

India has been rapidly adopting AI technology in recent years, with a focus on enhancing various sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, education, and finance. The Indian government has launched several initiatives to promote the development and adoption of AI technology in the country.

Implementing at a faster rate:

India is a rapidly growing economy with an abundance of skilled workers and a thriving tech industry. However, when it comes to implementing AI technology in businesses, India is lagging behind many developed countries. There are several reasons for this, including a lack of awareness about its potential benefits, a reluctance to invest in unproven technology, and a shortage of AI talent. Solving these issues will be crucial for India to fully realize the potential of AI and compete on a global scale.

Artificial Intelligence has become an indispensable part of modern businesses in almost every sector. However, even though India is home to a large number of IT companies, it has not been able to fully realize the potential of AI technology in business. There are a few reasons why India has been slow to adopt AI technology in business, and understanding them is crucial to ensuring that India does not fall behind in the global race for technological dominance.


The Indian government has also launched several programs to promote the use of AI in education. For example, the National Programme on Artificial Intelligence for Schools aims to introduce AI concepts to students from secondary education. Overall, India’s adoption of AI technology is rapidly growing, with both the government and private sector investing heavily in its development