Transforming Education with Conversational AI Chatbot

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“They know enough who know how to learn”- a famous quote on education. It is true!  With the invention of internet, the whole encyclopedia of information is at our finger tips. But what matters more is how to get the right information in the right way to students.

Nowadays the web is flooded equally with both wanted and unwanted things. The distraction is even worse. We get lost in the pile of data, lose focus and energy.


Channelizing the data and delivering it appropriately is the key for success and Chatbots are the best tools for it.

Chatbots have been of great assistance in several industries and have also been adopted by educational institutions to empower students.

Herbie Education Chatbot – assists teachers and students in real time.

Learning is more fun with Herbie, the Conversational AI.

Herbie is an advanced and matured conversational AI who can communicate in 132+ languages and can be integrated into 12 social channels.

Herbie can converse in 45 languages and students from different parts of the world can learn and converse with Herbie.

Chatbots into Education:

Chatbots are gaining ground into the education sector as they prove themselves useful and efficient. Having the chatbot in educational institutions is doing wonders to students and is equally helpful to teachers.

The learning potential of the students are different because each student understands the same concept in different ways.

Some are kinesthetic learners, visual learners, auditory learners and some learn through reading / writing. Same teaching methodologies are not suitable to everyone. Even the best institutions cannot afford to keep 1:1 ratio of students and teachers in a single classroom.

Chatbots Caters to Student’s Needs:

Chatbots are best tools to aid different needs of the students. AI Chatbot can explain the same concepts as images, videos, games and the ways which are ideal for learning the concepts. Students who need reinforcement of the concepts can converse with the bots to get their queries answered.


Chatbots provide personal guidance for all the students and helps them to understand the subject concepts the way they like.

Chatbots offer 24/7 assistance to students by providing instant access to information and clarity on subject concepts.

Students can also keep track of their learning pace.  Chatbots give students the comfort cushion and ability to be in the driver’s seat and control the pace with which they want to learn.

Advantages of Herbie Education Bot for Students:

  • Available 24/7
  • Addresses queries limitlessly
  • Knows the subject
  • Offers legitimate answers than search engines
  • Saves time and effort in looking for information

Relieve teachers from repetitive tasks:

Herbie can answer frequently asked questions and can provide solutions to problems based on the subject logic provided by teachers. Teachers can conduct assessment through chatbot and can make the chatbot update their grades. This saves lot of time and effort for the teachers who can focus more on teacher- student engagement tasks.

Herbie can provide course curriculum details and share the pre-requisites for applying to any new courses.


Herbie can provide the complete list of students taking a particular course and share it with their corresponding professors/ lecturers. It can collect feedback on the courses shared by students to their lecturers which help them to identify the reachability of their courses.

Advantages of Herbie Education bot for Teachers/ Professors:

  • Teachers can monitor the progress of each individual student and can allocate lesson plans more suitable for them
  • Teachers can share their comments and feedback more privately
  • Herbie can answer the general queries on lesson plans, curriculum, assessment schedules, assignments etc.
  • Herbie can update the grades in the database and can also broadcast information to students

Chatbot assists Management:

When the admission seasons arrive, all the management staffs will be seen busy filling-up forms and updating student records.

Herbie can conversationally assist students by filling-up their application forms and updates the same in the student database. All the enrollment and updating can be done without a hassle.

Herbie Chatbot can be integrated into the payment gateway and students can pay their tuition fees conversationally.  We can customize Herbie to set reminders for paying the fee.

Students can download their course details, grade scores and homework lessons through Herbie.

Advantages of Herbie Education bot for Management/ Administration:

  • Herbie can broadcast a personalized welcome message to students on their first day of school/college.
  • Send reminders on important events or deadlines to students
  • Course availability and offerings
  • Information on open house to the applicants
  • Easy enrollment through conversation

This technology mediated learning will empower students to share their perspective and expand their curiosity for more.

Herbie Education Chatbot is a value addition for Educational Institutions.

To know more, Visit us @